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Internal > External Focus

Writer's picture: Ellörin JoyEllörin Joy

What can you control?

What is beyond your control?

Everything that we have power and control over is within us.

Our bodies, speech, and mind are available to take dominion over.

When we have no control of the things we CAN control that is where we must begin to practice.

The practice is re-direction. No human is perfect; and yet, in all our imperfections, it is as it is.

That is what I believe.

I have to believe this way.

I have to trust that everything happening just as it is, is beyond my control.

Especially when things feel so messed up that my small mind thinks, there is no way that THIS is what it is.

I don't know why things are the way they are, I can only ponder.

I can only guess that things are the way they are to push humanity in the direction of spiritual evolution.

The more evil that is revealed the more we can choose to eradicate that evil.

It all starts WITHIN. You've heard it said before and what does that even mean?

What does it mean it starts with YOU?

It means that I am me and you are you, if I spend my time trying to make YOU think differently or do differently, sure perhaps I will persuade you otherwise, but more importantly, I need to have my inner convictions and know what is right for myself.

When you know what works for you, DO what works for you and BE in that place of evolution and growth as an example, there is no need to attempt to exert control externally.

I spent so much of my time agonizing over things I can not control and I would feel helpless and hopeless.

What can I possibly do about all the evil in the world?

I can work my best to not BE that evil and to reconcile myself within my own heart.

To make sure I have no unclean thoughts. Do I? Sure, sometimes, perhaps.

Do I come to a place daily where my thoughts and feelings are more clean and more pure? Yes.

When I notice myself having darker thoughts or feelings, I do not push them away, I welcome them with humor.

I laugh, isn't it funny how angry, jealous, obsessed, attached, frustrated, insecure, shameful I can feel.

Yes, being human means we have the opportunity to FEEL.

When we remember that our feelings are CHOICES, we step back and choose something else.

We RE-DIRECT our attention, focus and therefore energy.

Not before feeling deeply into the heavy emotion, however.

As I feel into my internal state and I alchemize it by changing the THOUGHTS that I have around the circumstance, my FEELINGS begin to shift too.

We have to ask ourselves questions.

We have to challenge our feelings with questions like, Is that ultimately true?

Is it ultimately true that you are worthless and useless, NO.

Do I sometimes feel all alone and ask "Whats the point?" and want to give up and give in to defeat, sure.

I allow it to BE. I ask to be released from my feelings of defeat.

I ask for guidance.

It is OK to have that moment, to understand the fullness of our being, and to embrace every moment as an opportunity for growth, it's how I live, every day.

I'll always encourage others to do what works.

Do what works for you... ALWAYS.

All I can share is what works for me.

This is what works for me.

As I switch my focus from external things I can not control to internal focus on thoughts, actions, feelings I can control, I feel empowered.

I take radical responsibility for my life every day and I sit in the place of knowing, no matter what happens, I have me.

I will be here to catch myself in all my messy thoughts, feelings and actions.

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